

Herbal Product to for treating Foot & Mouth Diseases

For Prophylaxis and cure of F.M.D.

Composition: (Herbal contents) Per Tab.

Leaf extract of GRANTHI                              - 7.1 x 10-4 ml

Leaf extract of VANERI                                 - 4.3 x 10-4 ml



It strengthens the vital power of animal to fight against infection and protects the animal from diseases.

During diseases it promotes healing, by clearing the exudate and debris from the ulcers. It also activates phagocytosis and minimizes the advancement of pathology.


It has a property of destroying and eliminating microbial toxins.

Preventive use:Administration of MYTO F M CAREtablets increases tissue resistance and general vitality thus protects the animal from disease.


  • Ulcers heal quicker:Tablets and external use of ointment bring the early and rapid healing of foot and mouth ulcers. Animals starts taking food much earlier.
  • Promotes Milk Yield: MYTO F M CAREhelps to bring back the normal milkyield very early. It also prevents abortions in pregnant animals.
  • Corrects after effects: Animals, not treated byMYTO F M CAREoften show after effects like anorexia, indigestion, general debility and less milkyield.

Administration of MYTO F M CAREalong with MYTO FERTICARE in such animals even after the disease, for 10 to 15 days, brings the animal to normal healthy condition.

Why MYTO F M CAREeven after vaccination?

At times vaccine fails to protect the animal due to some unavoidable conditions like problems of storage, improper handling, lack of technical assistance. It is therefore advisable to give MYTO F M CAREeven to vaccinated animals for protection from F.M.D.








2 tabs.Twice daily for 10 days. If outbreak persists, the dose should be repeated after one month.



In severe outbreak- 4 tabs.twice daily for 6 to 10 days and

In moderate or mild infection- 2 to tabs 3.Twice daily for 6 to 10 days.

For eradication of after – effects of F.M.DIEASES-

Give MYTO F M CARE2 TabsPLUS MYTO FERTCARE2 Tabs Twice daily for 10 to 15 days.

ADVERSE/SIDE EFFECTS:There are no adverse/side effects with use of these dietary supplements as the herbal ingredients used are nonhormonal, and nontoxic and safe.

PACKING:container of 1000 Tabs.