Why Probiotics

Probiotics ?

Probiotics   are  Defined as  Live  Micro organisms which  confer  Health  Benefits  to  the  Host   when  administered  in  appropriate  and  regular     quantities.

The Use of  Probiotics  for Farm Animals:

  1. Poultry- Broiler increasesweight (Meat)

 Layersincreases EggProduction.

Breeder – increases life expectancy.

  1. Ruminants (Animals) - (Cows, Buffaloes, Goats, Pigs.) -Beef andMilkProduction.
  2. AquacultureforFishandPrawnFarming.

Role  of   Probiotics to Substitute and Reduce the Use of Antibiotics:

  1. InImprovingoverallAnimal Health & Life expectancy.
  2. Preventing & TreatingDiseases in Animals.
  1. ImprovingFoodto Conversion Ratio(FCR).
  2. ActlikeavaccinationtostimulatetheImmuneSysteminanimals.

Probiotics are very Safe:

  1. AntibioticscanAccumulateintheAnimaland canthenreachHumansconsumingtheMeat / Milk / Eggs / Fish.
  2. Probioticshave no harmful side effectsto animalsor Humans consuming animal products.

Probiotics act for Long Time.

  1. Antibioticsactfor a few hours WHILE Probiotics act for 6 months.

Antibiotics (used in sub - therapeutic doses)can causeResistance.

  1. Infection of the Animal and Humans with Resistant Superbugs .


 In most Western   Countries 

  1. Antibioticsuse is notallowed.


Mechanism  of  Action  of  Probiotics  :

Production  of  Organic  Acids (lactic or acetic)

  1. ThisDecreasesthegutpH.
  2. CreatesfavorableconditionsforgrowthofHealthy (good)Bacteria.
  3. DecreasesriskofBadBacteriacolonization.

Competitive  Inhibition  of  Pathogenic  Bacteria .

  1. Bytheiraffinityfornutrientsandadhesionsites.
  2. PreventsgrowthofBadBacteria.

Release  of  Antimicrobial  Peptides - Bacteriocins

  1. StopsGrowthofBad Bacteria.

Produce  Enzymes.

  1. To DestroyBacterialpoisons.
  2. Help Digestion&Assimilationof feed.

Produce Nutrients & Growth Factors.

  1. These arestimulatorytoBeneficialGutBacteria.


  1. Actlike avaccinationtostimulatetheImmuneSysteminanimals.



  1. Ruminants : (Cattle, Goats, Camels.)
  1. YoungRuminants :
  1. Promoting  Optimal   Maturation   of   Rumen   Microbiota.
  2. Increasing  Digestive  Safety   at   Weaning.
  3. Reducing   Risk   of   Pathogen   Colonisation.
  1. DairyCattle:
  1. Increasing  milk  yield  and  quality.
  2. Increasing  feed  efficiency.
  3. Promoting  Health. (limit  acidosis).
  1. BeefCattle :
  1. Promoting   Weight   Gain.
  2. Increasing   Feed   Efficiency.
  3. Promoting   Health.  (reducing  acidosis).

Limiting  Shedding  of  Human  Pathogens. 


  1. IncreaseinMilkproductionof8to10%overnormalyield.
  2. MilkProductioninCattlewhichhasDecreasedby25%ormore/Ceasedaltogetherafterdiseaseorduetoanyotherreasonisrestoredtonormallevels.
  3. TheMilkisofHigherQuality :
  1. TheSolidsNotFat(SNF)Contentincreased

       ie.   Milk   Protein   Content   is  more.

  1. TheMilkhasalsohigherTotalLipidConcentration.
  1. MorePriceperLiter.



  1. GestatingPigs .
  1. Improves   Diet   Digestibility.
  2. Limit   Constipation .
  3. Decreases  Stress.
  1. LactatingPigs&Piglets.
  1. Improve  Colostrum  Quality,  
  2. Milk  Quality   &  Quantity .
  3. Increases   Litter  Size  &  Vitality.
  4. Increases   Piglet   Weight.
  5. Reduce   risk   of   Diarrhoea.
  1. FatteningPigs.
  1. Improve   Feed   Efficiency.
  2. Improve   Meat   Quality.
  3. Reduce   risk   of   Diarrhoea.

  1. BroilerChicken –

  2. IncreasedResistancetopathogenicinfectionby


Salmonella,   E.coli,   C. perfringens.


  1. IncreasesWeightofChickensingramsperday


by  8 – 12%   thru   breeding   period.

  1. LayerChickens ---

  1. IncreasesFeedEfficiencyinEgglayingHens.

  2. ImprovesQuantityandQualityofEggsproduced.

  3. ReducesFlyContaminationoftheExcretaof Layers

This  in  turn  reduces  infection  & Menace  of  flies